
It started with a 30-day raw food experiment. Immediately, I noticed I had more energy, more motivation to exercise, really good sleep, and I became committed to living a more healthy lifestyle. After several months, I also experienced some challenges--digestion issues, low energy at times, food allergies, and a few other things.

Looking back over the last two years, I realize I have evolved. I've learned so much about healthy eating, about new and different ingredients, what works for me and what doesn't. My tastes have changed. The bottom line is that you have to figure out what works for you and that may take some experimentation and some time. It will be worth it in the end to have all of the benefits of improved health!

Monday, January 11, 2010

Raw Hot Cacao

With our temps so cold in Ohio lately, this delicious warm beverage is very comforting. I accidentally spilled the first cup but the teaspoon left in the mug was so good I had to make another! Really creamy and foamy if you use an immersion blender!

1 cup or so of almond milk (1 c raw almonds to about 3 cups water, blend, strain)
1-2 tsp raw cacao powder
Pinch Himalayan salt
2-3 tsp agave (or sweeten to taste)
Dash vanilla flavoring

Heat the almond milk in a saucepan over low heat and keep dipping your clean finger in to make sure it doesn't get hot, just warmed. Stir in the remaining ingredients, and pour it into a large mug (the cacao might not all dissolve). Set the immersion blender inside the mug (make sure it's big/tall enough to do this), turning it on low for a few seconds to whirl it up. Great foam, just like hot chocolate! Enjoy this treat.

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